Tuesday, October 24, 2006


test blog..

Happy Birthday to me.....

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I will be 28 years old. It's funny how time flies, life happens, and expectations are either met or unmet. Do you remember those questions in deep discussions that went something like "Where do you see yourself in 3,5, & 10 years?" I remember those questions, and I remember my answers. I, too, had expectations about life and what would be my path of direction. I thought that I would for sure be married by 25, living with my husband and starting to have a family by 28, with the first of many kids by the time I turned 30. I thought that I would live in the country, work in the city, or even stay at home and be a wife and a mom. As I approach the big day tomorrow, I think of what was lost, gained, and how things turned out the way God wanted them, rather than the way I thought I should live my life. I don't regret a single thing about my life, well...there might be a few, but overall I've been pleasantly happy with the way things have happened. So, here's a list of the things that I've done with some of my years of life, and for these I am thankful.
  • Found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with....
  • Realized that I wasn't supposed to be with them..and thankfully made the decision prior to a wedding....
  • Explored different sides of careers with a great history to help decide the future...
  • Lived on my own in Buffalo, NY with total and complete strangers...
  • One of whom became one of my closest friends ever....
  • Worked at a wonderful agency and still keep in touch with good friends from there...
  • May eventually work my way back to that place....
  • Enjoyed singleness...and all it's advantages....
  • Missed being with someone who loved me...but knows what is important in a relationship and has set higher standards due to experiences...
  • Became the Aunt Emily I've longed to be...and what a GREAT experience it's been....
  • Learned what it meant to truly love those that are family...
  • Applied to the Peace Corps...was denied the Peace Corps...and realized there's something greater out there for me...
  • Lived being a big sister, and hopefully a good one...
  • Adopted my dog and my cat, oh whom both are my life...
  • Above all things, I've realized that God is in control, and I do have good things and multiple blessings in my life.
So, I'm turning 28 tomorrow, and I can't wait to spend 28 more years and see where I'm at when I turn 56. I hope dreams are met and new ones are dreamt.

Also, for my day, I took the day off of work and spent the day pampering myself. I had a full hour massage...and I'm still sore. I had a manicure and a pedicure...and my feet look great! It's been a great day, and it's not even my birthday yet!

Much love,

Monday, October 16, 2006

Why we wear ORANGE.....

I found this online...and it rang true.

Why we wear ORANGE!!!

I started thinking about orange and what it means. Is orange a particularly
pretty color? No. Yet we all find it beautiful. Is it a popular color?
Fashion right now has a lot of orange in it, but normally, it isn't. Is
it a powerful color? It is eye catching, but not really considered powerful.
So why in the world do I and other faithful love it so much?
The color is a symbol. It is all we remember of our Oklahoma State.

To us it not only symbolizes eons of national championships, but also
3-7 seasons. It is Theta Pond, it is Greek Row, it is the "Union". It
is Barry Sanders, Eddie Sutton, Mike Gundy, Pat Jones, Big Country,
Henry Iba and Rashaun Woods. It is meeting your friends at Joes, the
Hideaway, THE WEED or the "DOG". It is illegal dorm parties. It is
Pistol Pete. It is the Waving Song or the Alma Mater. It's IFC. It's
Bedlam 01' in Norman and broken roses. It's Garth and Cross
Canadian and Boland. It is "The Walk", it is tailgating. It is that girl
you always wanted to ask out but never did. It's the guy you always
wish would have. Its date parties and pre-parties. It's the "swan".
House decks and hot chocolate and pomping and signs that say
"Do not watch Arc!"

It is late night Pizza Shuttle runs. It is no air conditioning in the
dorm or getting tickets from parking nazis. It's puking on the bus to a
date party. It's the Sirloin Stockade steer floating in Theta Pond. It
is signing up for a 4 hour class at 7:30 in the morning as a freshman.
It is DUI's and MIP's and learning to never do that again. It is
It is heart breaks and leaving friends. It is showing our recruits how
much we appreciate them, it is feeling disappointed when some choose
to go elsewhere, or the elation of them deciding to come to OSU and join
our family. It is Thursday nights. Its planes, Colorado, snow and
memories that burn in all hearts that wear the Orange and Black.
It's Stout, Classroom, Ag Hall and Kerr-Drummond and the awkward
"morning after." It's an orange fountain; its finals week. It's the campus
bells and Preacher Bob. Its meeting a kid that's parents knew your
parents while they were here. It's meeting you husband or wife,
groomsmen and bridesmaids.

We can't talk about our feelings for our school without going into
stories that would make people's eyes glaze over and bring a tear to
some. It's hard to explain to people that the reason we wear orange
isn't because of sports or 7 National Football Championships. It isn't
because of any one thing or even 100 things. Orange is pride in all
things OSU. Be they good things or bad things, they are all part of why
I love OSU. When I see people wearing OSU hats or shirts, most of the
time no words have to be spoken. Just a nod or a smile and we both know
that orange is something special. A lifetime of friends, fond memories,
hurts and joy that we all have and will keep for an eternity~ One day
our kids will hear and then they will see and then theirs will hear
about the times as they are and were~ All the while the chimes will
sing the fight song, hearts will flutter and folks will feel a great sense
of belonging. Fan's children will sit on parent's shoulders with
arms waving to Bullet racing out of the West end zone and the
commentator's voice saying, "With 9:08 remaining in the first half;
Here Comes Bullet!" When you pass a car with Pete peering out of an
Orange Star, you know that they know that you know; Its letting go,
holding on, and forever remembering why we were/are at the best college
in America.

Rewind; remember cool autumn air walking to class and passing friends,
ex's, lovers, and the rush you feel every time you go back; A lump in a
throat, a bitter-sweet graduation in a cap and gown; A desire to stay

Although we are gone, we are still there-

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm not leaving the country...

Well, I'm not leaving the country for the Peace Corps. I got the letter. I'm really okay. It's just a major disappointment. I'll survive. Things will all work out!