Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ten Years

Ten years....a decade. My how time flies!

This weekend, many of us ventured back to good ol' Enid, America for Enid High School's Class of 1997 Reunion! Oh, what fun we had. Honestly, it was a little sad to leave and head back home. People came from Oregon, Texas, Colorado, New Jersey, Virginia, Iraq, and of course Oklahoma too. We had such a great time.

Reunion's are interesting...a different kind of social gathering. It's somewhat the same...but yet different. It's great. I had a fabulous time and was able to find out what some really cool people have done with their lives and what they planned to do with their lives. Some had children, some were expecting (a lot), some were married, some were single (like me...thank goodness I wasn't the only one).

These are a few snapshots from the Friday night event. We met at the Knox Building in Enid that is home to the Enid Symphony. It was a beautiful building...I should have taken some pictures of the hall. It was beautiful. Chocolate fountain, good food, beer and wine too!

Anyhow...I'm home now and I LOVED it. Definitely good times!

Sarah, Meredith, & Emily

Meredith, Emily, & Emily

Kyle & Emily

Emily & Emily

Daniel, Meredith,& Emily

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