Monday, November 12, 2007

A Beautiful Day...

Let me tell you about my was great.....

~~Wake up and get McGiggle's off to school.

~~Go meet my good sweet friend Chrissa for coffee at Starbucks. Start the morning off right. Friendship. Conversation. Christmas Gift planning too.

~~Stop by Sam's to pick up Photo Tag's for Christmas Presents.

~~Swing by to get the car washed.

~~Get the oil changed in the car.

~~Go to a really fun, funky store to get some Christmas presents for several people.

~~Eat at Freddie's, a good place for a greasy burger (not so healthy).

~~Go to Michael's to pick up a few craft items.

~~Finish the afternoon off with this: Peppermint Mocha Frappucino from Starbucks. (Trust me, I don't normally spend $$ on Starbucks twice in one day...let alone once...but it was a nice treat!)

~~Continues to be a beautiful day, lovely day..I think it was in the upper 70's this afternoon. I was sweating!

~~I went to pick up McGiggle's, but alas, she was SICK. She came home and wanted to take a nap... a NAP....a 6 year old, hyperactive, nonstop, motor-running, talkative, never quitting, energizer bunny, McGiggles....wanted to take a N...A....P. I think tomorrow we're heading to the doctor. She was hot too, broke a fever with some medicine, but she's been under the weather for a week now...I just thought it was a cold, but we can't seem to shake it...poor kid. (Too bad I don't have a cute picture to put here too!)

I'm so glad I was off work glad I'm a state employee and work for the Department of Education. Other than the fact that I love my job, I enjoy state holidays....because I get off Friday too....for Statehood day (once a century!)

Yeah for days off of work....except tomorrow will be off to take care of little sick kiddo and getting her to the doctor. Poor little one.

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