Thursday, March 12, 2009


So, you know...I need to be a better blogger. It dawned on my that I still had the back post up, sorry ya'll. That's a bit crazy. Speaking of back, I'm good. It most aggravates me when I stand at church...isn't that funny. I hurts when I stand for periods of time, movement is good. I'm all good though, thanks for your thoughts and concerns.

So, I'm gonna give you a link to a blogpost by a family of photographers in Kansas City. Christian photographers. Amazing photographers. Inspiring People. Difference makers. I've randomly found their blog awhile back, have stalked it, and finally posted....and I got a reply (in the same day, less than two hours). WHOA. I was impressed then, too.

So, check them out at We Are The Parsons.

Most of you know that I feel compelled to go and make a difference, go somewhere, out of my comfort zone, to do God's work in another place. I've gone to some Central American countries with the church, but I'm feeling called to Africa. I don't know when or what or where, but I do. I had applied to the Peace Corps but was medically denied, and thought maybe it wasn't to be. However, it is. I know it is. It's just a matter of time.

So, pray for me. Where to go. When to go. How to go. All those things, I wish to be made known to me.

Please go see their blog..I linked to one post, but go to the real blog too to see all their wonderful talents.

Okay... so there it is. Take me to Africa.

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