Friday, December 01, 2006

Midwest Blizzard of 2006

It's been quite the two days, you see...we were in a blizzard warning yesterday throughout last night and into today. It started on Wednesday evening with sleeting freezing nasty ice pellets all afternoon into the evening, just getting the blizzard started with an inch or two of ice. It did the ice thing all the way through Wednesday night and into Thursday.

I woke up Thursday and realized it wasn't too bad, and that I had plenty of work to be done. I got ready and left the house at 8:30. It took me the first 45 minutes to 1)get into my car 2)warm up my car and 3)scrape off all the ice of my car. It took me the next 45 minutes to arrive to work, normally taking 25 minutes. It wasn't too bad, but then I pulled into the parking lot and realized that no one was there. Well, comparably. There were two cars. I went in and was shocked to find out that NO ONE came to work. Nobody called to see what I was going to do, and I didn't bother to call them. I figured we'd all just go in late. Apparently I didn't get the email in time about taking enforced leave or sick leave if the weather was bad. I sat down and started to get some stuff done, but since my desk sits right by the little window, I heard the ice just nailing the window with every millisecond....and I didn't last long. I decided it was better to get home than to be stuck in the Health Department of a rural county in Oklahoma. I trekked on home and enjoyed the afternoon off of work.

I woke up today, Friday, to a foot of snow on the ground. I wasn't about to go out today. I stayed in and soaked up the winter blizzard. They even shut down all the interstates and turnpikes out of one was going anywhere. Apparently they might have shut down some state offices as well as the federal courthouses, etc. All the schools were closed, libraries, etc. It was a big time blizzard last night. I decided to watch the Today show, drink hot chocolate with a peppermint mocha creamer added to it, soaked up the sunlight, and relaxed. However, it wasn't too long when Wally told me he needed outside. It wasn't too bad. It was sunshiney and nice outside. Hence, we decided to take a long walk. We went to the park and played in the full area of solid snow. So, I took the pictures of course to document our adventure.


Look at me.. Wally jumps two front feet and two back he's a rocking horse. It was cute.

Wally loves to eat snow...this time it was out of my hand!

Wally sat down and watched the neighbors shovel their driveway!

A crappy picture of me, but it was fun. I just threw on clothes and winterwear...not much to it!

Running as fast as I can through the SNOW!!!!

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