Friday, March 21, 2008

Long time no see....

I don't know that anyone ever really reads this thing, but I'd like to think so......

It's been a long two weeks. And I haven't had much time to do much of anything with my own blog. I've had internet access, but I haven't had my own computer to post my own blog...I just added some of my favorite pictures from an early morning trip to the OKC Bombing Memorial to my Photo Blog.

SO, just where has this Aunt Emily been, you may wonder? Well, I was in Oklahoma City learning how to effectively mediate and "How to get to YES!" While I was there, I got to see my lovely friend, Peter and his wife Kris....and welcome their exciting news of being expecting parents of their firstborn SON! (Aunt Emily can't wait, because she loves kids of all sorts, even if they aren't her own nephew's or nieces!) It was a needed has been sooo stressful, and I can't even begin to blog the amount of stress I'm feeling, so heading over there to spend the night for two nights, dinner, wine, conversation, and a comfortable bed....just did the soul some good! Love those people!

Then...I headed back here for my Thursday night photography class with Photo Zane...and had a great one at that. He liked my morning pictures from the memorial...apparently the lighting was cool. (I was proud of myself!) It's always nice to have a compliment when you work so hard!

And then I was off to start the 10 day house sitting process for my dad and stepmom...and their three dogs, my one dog, their fish, hamster, and gerbil....(oh the fun that was to be had and I was yet aware of!). I became ill that late night and into early Friday morning.....was not fun at all, but my mom came to my rescue with Anti-Nausea medicine and I slept the rest of the little bug off. It was nice....I love the effect of anti-nausea medication. (Later did I learn that my pharmacist connection can create a compound that does this same thing!)

So....I've now been at Dad and Gayle's for a week....and I'm worn slick...I miss my bed, I miss my Zoe cat and I'm ready to stop living out a suitcase while being in the same town...I'm not even on vacation...but I think I deserve one after this!

They are due back on Sunday...2 nights to go! I came to Panera to get some wireless access on my own computer, and it's been nice!

And, for some other exciting news... my nephew Will has learned to say my THREE syllables... (EMMM LLLLL EEEE) YEAH! I have been waiting for this day for over a year I think. I am SOO proud of that Will..and it's just in time for my new nephew to be born. Speaking of that, I'm going to be an Aunt again....and I think it's super cool. My nephew Andrew Aaron is coming on Monday, March 24th. Easter Monday. How appropriate and fitting.. my brother, his father, was born on Easter Sunday.... I think it's cool!

I can't WAIT for him to get here! I really can't wait to take more pictures now that I know what I'm doing... and speaking of's so my new found passion. Seriously, where has a digital SLR been my entire life? Really? Where has it been? My next big purchase will be a better camera...I've got the basic soccer mom one...but I'm gonna get the Canon 40D I'm saving my pennies for that one. I think I might start babysitting more...because I've got to get one...and then I've got my wish list started too!

Alright.. I've posted a novel...I should come up with a picture to put on this....but I can't think of one. I'll take some new fun ones soon...probably of the kids. I'm going down in a week to welcome Andrew and I'm planning on shooting some of Kate and Will and of course of the baby boy too!

I'm well and I'm loving life!

Love to you all... well, to my invisible friends that I hope read this blog!

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