Monday, April 09, 2007

Check out this baby....

So, this was the rental car I had when I was there...the PT Cruiser. I always make fun of PT Cruiser's, but this one was super fun to drive. They drive really well, and I forgot I was in a Cruiser when I was driving. Such a good time.

Below is the picture of the cruiser, loading up with presents from the hotel!

Chris and Ashley...Chris trying to look pregnant by pushing out his own belly to compare to Ashley's belly! Cute picture. Ashley and Chris are expecting a little girl, and she is due May 19. I can't wait!

One of the fun things to do at showers is to guess how big the mother-to-be is around her midsection. Everyone either was too short or too long, with one exception....(drumroll please)......ME! Can you believe it? I was to the exact milimeter...I think it was a lot of talent and intelligence, but I'm most certain it was pure luck. So, here's me with Ashley and the length of her belly!

Courtney, MaryAnn, and Ashley.
(Sister) (Mom) (Sister)

We had a great time at the shower and Ashley received so many wonderful gifts, outfits, blankets, etc. She's a funny girl, but I think she enjoyed it. It was so nice for Chris' mom to put the shower on for Ashley. It was great to see everyone too, since we were up there last July for the wedding..yes, last July! This was a surprise blessing in their life! It was also so fun to hang out with Ash's family all weekend. Her mom and dad flew in from Florida and Courtney flew in from New York City, and I flew in from Oklahoma! So much fun !

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