Tuesday, January 20, 2009


As many of my friends, I find it hard to write what I'm thinking and feeling on this momentous day. No words that I can write would even come close to expressing how I feel on this very night, January 20, 2009. I'm so proud. So proud. It's been a bit of an emotional day, and I am going to bed tonight proud, knowing that history has been made. I'm 30 and this happened. It happened for my 4 year old niece, Kate, who can't wait to tell her Preschool teacher Mrs. Stewart, an Obama fan nonetheless, that she knows Barack Obama is our president. It happened for my 3 year old nephew, who is so very excited and dances around the living room singing "Yes We Can". It happened for my 10 month old nephew, who has no idea how much this will impact his life. He smiles. I'm so happy that I can see the hope for their future. I'm thrilled to be a part of this. I am blessed.

1 comment:

Casey said...

Beautiful writing, just beautiful.