Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Exercise Suicide

Well, I've been trying to get back in gear with working out for the new year! Yeah me. (It's much harder than it sounds.) See, I'm not a morning person, so I can't get up earlier to work out. Then, I'm typically either too tired from the day or working late that I don't go in the evening. Which means, I'm not following my goal of working out. So, I've started doing some fun classes. I work out better in groups of people, so it helps to have accountability.

I love the abs class, the pilates class, piyo strength (combo pilates and yoga), as well as other general workout classes. I've also aspired to take Hip Hop and Salsa... however my hips don't move so well these days. All has gone well, except for today....I think I committed exercise suicide. I attempted to do one hour class, short abs class, and then to try SPINNING. Now, I couldn't even finish the class, and I felt much like a failure, but I'd like to think that I would have been successful if I would have done spinning only, rather than three classes in one night.

If anything, I learned that spinning is rather difficult. I don't know HOW people sit on that small little seat without it hurting..I may have extra body fat, but not enough on my rear to make the bicycle seat comfortable.

Oh well, life goes on....regular classes tomorrow.

Until later,

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