Sunday, October 19, 2008

The start of the birthday week of blogging....

30 Skills Every Woman Should Have Before Turning 30

1. Hard boil an egg: I can totally do this one...I love hard boiled eggs!

2. Diplomatically tell Mom to butt-out: I think I have this power....

3. Ace a job interview: Just did it....landed the job!

4. Ask a man out: yeah, need some work on this one.

5. Send a thoughtful thank you note: got it covered!

6. Listen to a friend in need: I can do this one whenever they need it!

7. Ask for help: Not afraid to ask...

8. Effectively end an unhealthy relationship (romantic or platonic in nature): The best decision of my life!

9. Beautifully wrap a gift: as evidenced by Sarah's wedding present last weekend!

10. Say “no” gracefully: proof of the guy hitting on my this week...

11. Whip up a great dinner with the five items in her fridge: I can do it, most of the time.

12. Forget pleasing him, by 30 a woman should be able to tell her man exactly how to please her: eh, haven't been in a significant relationship in a looooong time.

13. Sew a button: I think I can, but I'd love a sewing machine.

14. Mix a kick-ass cocktail: I might need an instruction book, but I could do it.

15. Take off her bra without removing her shirt: This is getting a little risque!

16. Apply lip gloss in the dark: of course!

17. Balance her checkbook: My mom's a banker, she made me learn how!

18. Create a budget: Yep...that's what I'm trying to get better at now!

19. Find the best deal: That's what I'm working on with finding a car!

20. Negotiate a salary and/or pay raise: Just did the new job..with a huge salary increase!

21. Read a map: I can...but I have directional intelligence too...( I'm confident, aren't I)!

22. Hail a cab: Never had to, but probably could!

23. Say something in French just for the hell of it: Je ne sais pas.

24. Apologize when she’s wrong: I don't want to. But I do.

25. Dress for her body type: I could do better, but I'm working on it.

26. Change a flat (or know whom to call to come change it): who ya gonna call?

27. Spot a fake (handbag, diamond, potential friend…): I've got it down!

28. Feign interest: think so....think so..

29. Know what to tip on a $25 dinner bill: yep....

30. Hold a baby (Hey, someone you know is bound to have one sooner or later): hello, resident expert!

~Taken from

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