Friday, October 24, 2008

29 minutes left to be 29

So....29 more minutes to be 29. Ah.. how ironic is that! I just got home from a wonderful after work Happy Hour with the girls. Ah, so great. Really, they have made this work switchover so wonderful. We had a great time at a fancy little place on Brookside. And, the coolest thing..they all got there early, decorated the table, had three fresh cut roses from JuLee's garden, a chocolate birthday cake, and a great card! I never knew they could pull off such a surprise! It was awesome...

And, the kicker of tonight...1. I realized how much I like Woodchuck Amber beer and 2. I learned that JuLee was an Alpha Chi when I joined OCU Alpha Chi my freshman year! Small, small world! It was cool.

Anyhow, it's late..I'm tired...and I want to curl up and get warm before I go to bed...and I'll get to sleep in too! Fun times.

Today's been great...loved it. Tomorrow is full some time I'm going to write down my you all know what I'm going to work on achieving soon.....

Much love, happy birthday to me in now 26 minutes!


Rolsen said...

Happy Birthday Emily!!! I have just a few more!!!

Who is JuLee? That's ironic!

Lauren Snodgrass said...

Hope you had a Happy Birthday Emily!! My husband, Jason, turned 30 this year, so I know what a "big step" it is! I am so amazed by all of your wonderful accomplishments, and I know that the coming years will be just as special as the past!