Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A day in the life....

8:30 a.m. ~~ Meeting at the convenience store in the middle of nowhere in Creek County. Taking one car instead of two.

8: 45 a.m. ~~ Driving to a rural home in the country with llamas, goats, chickens, horses, dogs, cats, and who knows what else.....

8:55 a.m. ~~ Obeying all traffic laws....of course. I have survived 2 years of home based work and haven't had trouble yet.... (knock on wood please)!

9:00 a.m. ~~ We are almost there. Ready to start the day and write a wonderful Family Service Plan! What fun.

By the way, my dear friend Emily (not myself, I promise) took these photos while trying out my digital camera....we had a great time.

I could write forever on the things I do, but this will suffice for now!

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