Tuesday, December 06, 2005

M&M Chocolate Chunk Cookies...

Some of you know that I recently started a new job. In making friends at the new office, I have met some of their family members. One of my co-worker’s sons was in selling stuff for his band. I sympathized with the guy for two reasons (1) I was a band nerd also and (2) I never liked selling that stuff, so why not make it easier on him. It reminded me of the times I used to to go door-to-door selling magazines, wrapping paper, Christmas trees, Blue & Gold Sausage, etc…why not support someone else in their beginning endeavors of sales! Ha. So, I decided to buy some stuff. Finally, a month later, $12.50 poorer, I landed 56 pre-cut refrigerated cookie dough cookies. M&M Chocolate Chunk. Can’t beat that.

To top it all off, I baked a couple dozen to take to work tomorrow for our weekly meeting. I had finished baking the second dozen and was removing them to the cooling rack when I dropped one on the floor. What’s funny about it was that Wally (my dog) didn’t immediately run to the cookie and scarf it up. That’s his normal routine. But instead, he acted so smart and waited for it to cool down before he ate it. That brought me to pondering my life after Wally…I think that will be another blog entry. For now this enough tonight!

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